


What is Tokai Toastmasters Club?

Tokai Toastmasters Club is a fun place for members to develop various aspects of their speaking skills, whether it be for work or their personal lives.  At the same time they develop leadership skills by taking on different roles during each meeting (see below for days and times).  We have no teachers.  Members give speeches and evaluate each other earnestly and constructively.  With many eyes and many hands, we develop the ability to identify, craft, and give speeches.  Somewhere along the line, those who were once nervous about speaking in front of others learn to enjoy the experience.  Each and every one of us is a leader, and in this way, we run Tokai Toastmasters Club.  If public speaking is in your future and the thought of it makes you nervous, come see how enjoyable we make it!


Nearby street view
Nearby street view


     例会では、準備スピーチや即興トークをして、 クラブメンバー同士で批評コメントします。毎年スピーチコンテストも開催します。その中でフットワークの軽さや発想力を伸ばし、声の通るコミュニケーターへと成長できます。場所は名古屋の栄とアクセスも良好です。

日本語例会(毎月第2土曜 英語例会(毎月第4土曜)を開催、18時開始です。



Are you thinking about attending a meeting?  Please do.

     We are pleased to invite you to attend a meeting (visitors can attend up to three times for free) to see what our community is like, see how the members have developed their presentation skills, and see how they help each other to do the same.  Each meeting is divided into four general parts, 1) role introduction where the role takers for the evening are introduced along with their roles, 2) impromptu speeches where members are given a topic and asked to speak for approximately 1-2 minutes, 3) prepared speeches where volunteers recite speeches they have written that week, and 4) evaluations where fellow Toastmasters give feedback on the good points of each presentation given and an area or two that could be improved.  In this way we learn and lead together.  Our common languages are English and Japanese, both essential in Nagoya, Japan, and global markets.  Tokai Toastmasters Club provides members with an opportunity to enjoy speaking English as well as to become more comfortable speaking in front of others, an essential skill in the business world and beyond, but not one people have much chance to develop.  That is where Tokai Toastmasters Club becomes more than a pastime, but also a valuable opportunity.  We welcome anyone above the age of 18 from beginner to expert alike.  With highly motivated members, you will have many opportunities to improve and even grow.  As Toastmasters is an organization that is known and respected around the globe, adding it to your CV as a hobby or skill will help you stand out in the marketplace

例会予定 / Meetings:  2nd & 4th 土曜日 Saturdays


日本語例会 (オンライン & 対面)

Japanese Meetings (Online & In-person)  

2nd Saturday from 18:00 to 19:30


英語例会 (オンライン & 対面)

English Meetings (Online & In-person)  

4th Saturday from 18:00 to 19:30


新規追加 / It's new!



About us
How we conduct the regular meetings
Upcoming events

例会記録/Past meetings
Our stories